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Support for the 1967 Sport Cars eXtra mod2023-12-30 17:21:52
Author: José Luis López Nieto
We are very happy to announce that GPLRank can handle SCX mod laptimes now. A 67SC rank has been added too. Its benchmarks are based on the fastest laps registered during that year.

This update includes other changes and improvements:

- Few bugfixes (a more detailed listing is yet to be published)

- New tracks: B&Wwerk & Suzuka 2000

- New functionality to enhance the data visualization or to exclude tracks from a particular TotalRank (e.g., Thunder Cars)

- Menu changes to simplify some of the options recently added

For more information, please click here.

Enjoy GPLRank!

Show earlier admin messages
New Negatives2024-12-18 08:00:03
GPL66Rank Clive Loynes -0.556
GPL68Rank Bjørn Finnestad -21.136
New Negatives2024-12-17 08:00:03
SC 67Rank Mario Wilhelm -272.423
New World Records2024-12-16 09:00:01
Nürburgring 1967 Alfa Romeo T33 (SC) Paul McAdam 8:01.054
  Chaparral Mk2D (SC) Paul McAdam 7:58.739
  Chaparral Mk2F (SC) Paul McAdam 7:51.326
  Ferrari 330/P4 (SC) Paul McAdam 8:00.420
  Ford GT40 Mk2B (SC) Paul McAdam 8:07.790
  Mirage M1 (SC) Paul McAdam 8:07.053
  Porsche 910 (SC) Paul McAdam 8:01.908
New World Records2024-11-29 09:00:01
Nürburgring 1967 Lola T70 Mk3 (SC) Paul McAdam 7:59.468
New World Records2024-11-22 09:00:01
Targa Florio 1967 Chaparral Mk2F (SC) Paul McAdam 31:58.857
New Negatives2024-10-19 08:00:03
GPLRank Paulo Stella (2024) -30.233
New World Records2024-08-30 09:00:02
Targa Florio 1967 Lola T70 Mk3 (SC) Paul McAdam 33:13.448
New Negatives2024-08-11 08:00:03
GPL66Rank Jonathan Stiener -20.807
New Negatives2024-08-10 08:00:04
GPL65Rank Jonathan Stiener -6.406
New World Records2024-08-05 09:00:01
Targa Florio 1967 Ferrari 330/P4 (SC) Paul McAdam 33:14.565
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